Accusoft.FormFix5.Net - Updated
Correct Image False Negatives and Positives
FormFix5 for .Net - User Guide > How To > Correct Image False Negatives and Positives

Correcting False Negatives

A false negative occurs when FormFix fails to match an image to a template when the two should match. Poor quality images are a common cause of false negatives (for more information, see Enhance Images). Images with specks or borders may identify slightly less accurately than clean images. Distorted images, such as bad faxes, will rarely pass identification. For more information, see Handle Similar Templates, Drop-Out and Faxed Images.

Adjust IdentificationQuality

Increasing the IdentificationQuality property corrects most false negatives. Check the resolution of both the filled form and the template to verify that both are set, and set to the correct value.

Template Adjustments

Correcting False Positives

A false positive occurs when FormFix matches an image to a template, but the two are different and should not actually match.

There are two types of false positives.

See Also